This is Part 2 of how to create an APEX instance in the cloud with OXAR. Part 1 shared steps for creating and connecting to the online virtual machine.
Using OXAR to configure the server
Refer to the OXAR github page to get the latest information on configuring and using OXAR.
Copy Oracle files to server
Follow the OXAR instructions on where to download the Oracle installation files from and how to copy them to your server. In my case, I just created a directory name orafiles and then moved the files from my windows machine using pscp (I copied my .ppk file to the same directory for ease of use).

Disable SELinux
The OXAR installation has a problem installing ORDS when SELinux is enabled. Before we begin the OXAR installation SELinux is disabled so everything will work.
Edit the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file and change the SELINUX line from enforcing to disabled.

Save the file and then reboot the machine.

After the reboot log into the machine again and then copy and paste the following lines of code (OXAR Native Build instructions):
#Ensure user is currently root
if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then
sudo -i
cd /tmp
#Install Git
if [ -n "$(command -v yum)" ]; then
#RHEL type OS
yum install git -y
#Debian type OS
apt-get install git-core
git clone
cd oxar
This will install needed git packages and then clone the OXAR files.

Next we need to edit the file and replace the CHANGEME tokens with the actual file location and names.

Run OXAR installation by executing:

Once finished OXAR will give a countdown and reboot the server

Open a browser and enter the ip address of the server into the address and the APEX login page should be shown.

Refer to the OXAR github page for the default passwords used and other configuration considerations.